Case managers within the Population Health Department provide care in multiple programs serving patients after discharging from UVA Medical Center. Following a hospital stay, (frequently an Emergency Department admission), case managers are assigned to patients and work within the state and local communities to actively connect patients to resources. One important key to moving forward from a hospital stay is education. Understanding the hospital diagnosis and medications, establishing PCP care, and keeping follow-up appointments, while being supported through available resources helps prevent unnecessary Emergency Department visits and hospital readmissions. Our program aims to address any care gaps and improve the overall quality of life for the patients we serve.
"I am a Population Health Case Manager. At the heart of my work is relationships and my innate desire to help people improve their health and well-being. I serve to your benefit and won’t rest until you have what you need. I remove barriers, provide resources, educate, and help patients move forward. I seek to inspire change and teach self-efficacy. Unconditional positive regard drives my interactions and I value and appreciate every person I encounter. Case management is my skill, but caring and making sure your needs are met to the best of my ability, is my profession."